FAQs How does phone verification work
How does phone verification work


You will be prompted to enter your phone number. After entering it, you should receive an automated phone call or text message (SMS) containing a verification code. Enter this code on the next page of the process.


What if I type my phone number incorrectly?


Wait 5 minutes, then click "try again."  Please note:


     You may only try to call a phone number once every five minutes.

     You may only enter the code five times.

     You may only try three phone numbers per account every twelve hours.

     You may only receive three calls per account every twelve hours.


Disallowed numbers for phone verification:


Some VOIP or pre-paid mobile numbers

Phone numbers that require an extension


Error message says phone number is "already in use"?


The number you are trying to use for verification is already associated with another bennyspage account. Account holders may unlink phone numbers from existing accounts in good standing 90 days after verification.